Umano is a newly-formed organization that aims to bring humans, animals, and the environment together to address the complex global challenges that we face today. Their vision is to create a self-sustaining enterprise that builds holistic empathy for people, animals, and the environment. The founders of Umano approached our marketing company to help them create a strong brand identity that represents their purpose and values.
What Did We Do?
To create a brand that would be easily recognizable and convey the interconnectedness of humans, animals, and the environment, we started with a comprehensive brand strategy. Our team of experts conducted thorough research and analysis to understand Umano’s values and purpose. We then developed a brand positioning statement that articulated Umano's unique value proposition and competitive advantage.
Based on this brand strategy, we created a simple and mystical symbol that represents Umano's mission of creating a holistic world. The logo is a combination of three interlocked circles, illustrating the interconnectedness of humans, animals, and the environment. The color palette we chose is sober and monochromatic, representing Umano's nature, knowledge, and values.
We also created a set of slogans and calls to action that reflect Umano's purpose and values. These include slogans such as "Embrace Empathy," "Take care of the world, you are part of it," and "Justice, equality & connection." These slogans are simple and to the point, carrying the brand’s message as a whole.
In addition to the visual identity and slogans, we developed a comprehensive brand strategy that includes initiatives to measure social impact and expand Umano's global reach. Our strategy includes actions for humans, animals, and the environment to achieve everything that we are capable of positively.
The Results
The brand identity and slogans we created for Umano have had a significant impact on its audience. The symbol of the interlocking circles has become easily recognizable and represents the interconnectedness of humans, animals, and the environment. The sober and monochromatic color palette has created a sense of seriousness and responsibility in their audience’s minds.
The slogans and calls to action have inspired people to embrace empathy and take care of the world. Umano has become a brand that is associated with justice, equality, and connection. The comprehensive brand strategy that we developed has provided a clear understanding of Umano's purpose and the actions we can take to make a positive impact on the world.
The recognizable logo has helped Umano expand its reach and raise awareness of its purpose and values. The comprehensive brand strategy has allowed the brand to measure its social impact and expand its initiatives to support more organizations around the world.